How to Contact the Cultural Resources Office
Julie Olds,
Cultural Resources Officer
Email: jolds@miamination.com
Phone: (918) 541-2180
Mission Statement
"To perpetuate Myaamia heritage through sharing inherent knowledge of our history, language, and culture with our community."
The Miami Nation Cultural Resources Office is dedicated to the preservation and perpetuation of cultural knowledge within our community. Our work to reclaim and restore our heritage language, tell our stories, preserve our historic documents and items of material culture, to exercise our rights under federal law through the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and related laws, ecosystem restoration and preservation, and growing our traditional foods, all bring knowledge to our community and to those working within these important areas. Certainly, our work is in keeping with our mission statement: “The Cultural Resources Office is committed to the perpetuation of myaamia cultural identity through efforts in reclamation, restoration, revitalization, and preservation. Our mission is guided by our belief that "knowledge is responsibility" and in this truth, we bear the important and respected task of learning from our elders today, interpreting written records through Myaamia cultural understanding, and disseminating knowledge gained to our people thereby ensuring that our Nation will live on.
The Miami Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO) was established by resolution, and National Park Service approval, in 2009. It manages all Tribal responsibilities and actions under the National Historic Preservation Act and the Nation’s approved THPO Plan.
Each year, the Cultural Resources Office, with the Myaamia Center, produces a number of educational tools and materials to benefit our community. These special projects are designed to support communal connectivity and growth. All materials created are provided to each Tribal household free of charge and many are available to the general public through a secure shopping feature on the Myaamia Center website.
Upcoming CRO Events
01 Apr
01 May
30 May
25 Jun
National Gathering Week 2025
Wednesday | 9:00 AM -
27 Jun
24th Annual Miami Nation Pow Wow
Friday | 11:59 PM